Funny how we think we hide in our clothes. Wearing bigger clothes does not hide the fat underneath them. I used to think I was well hidden in bigger clothes but I know now I wasn’t hiding, I was just in bigger clothes. Now that I’m down 32 lbs I still feel big in my clothes and realize I need to lose 15 to 20 lbs yet. Why do we think we are hiding in our clothes? It’s like that tree insect that can turn itself to the pattern or color of the tree or leaf it’s sitting on. The insect is hiding by blending in. In a way we think we are blending in with our clothes. At some point we come to the fact that we are not blending and need to accept the weight or do something about it. I keep telling myself the weight didn’t get put on in a month so it’s going to take a lot longer to take off the fat. Fat likes to hang around and not move off our bodies unless we force it off. I am doing this journey for me, not anyone else. If I wasn’t doing it for me to create a healthier me the weight would go right back on. So remember this journey needs to be for you and you alone if you want to keep your weight off forever!!!!!!
Your post reminds me of my brother, who chews on his clothes. I wish he would read your post, I think he could find benefit. If he thinks he is his clothes, and he chews on his clothes...