Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 3 is Hard

I have found so far week 3 to be the hardest week for me!  I craved foods that didn't bother me at all on week 1 or 2.  I wonder why?  I am happy to say I so far I have sailed  through week 3.  Tomorrow is the big weigh in and I am pumped because my home scale showed a 4lb loss.  Last night was a snow day and I didn't have to work!!  I felt just like a little kid, I want a snow day.  Getting up today and seeing all that snow though I didn't get the urge to go outside to make a snow angel.  The snow looks so pretty from inside the house.  I did offer to help my husband and he turned me down oh well I offered. 
     I changed my mind and decided to eat at the Packer party at work.  We are having subs that I can control on what I want on the sub, fruit and veggies.  I really don't believe the other foods will bother me.  When I get the chip craving I eat my reduce pringles so I'm good to go.  I have to be able to be around bad foods to conquer them or I might fall again.  I am up to the challenge!
     Last night my favorite show was on The Biggest Loser.  I really get motivated watching this show.  You can tell who is really into weight loss and they get so pumped working out and losing weigh.  I will miss Jillian because she gets to the core with why people are big.  We all know it's other issues that are causing the weight gain not the food.  The problem is we eat our problems and never get to the core of why are we eating.  This is why my daughter & I are taking a journey into losing the weight, figuring out why we eat and solving each issue as it comes up.  Since I have started the journey I haven't had any alcoholic drinks.  Maybe I will have a glass of wine during the Packer game.  I must say I don't miss it all that much not like I thought I would, go figure! 
     I am missing my stationary bike and am thinking of getting a new one.  One that has the arms that move with the big wind wheel.  Then on the days I don't feel like the elliptical I can bike.  I must say since doing my boxing with Gold's Gym & losing weight my shoulder and back pain is not as bad at all.  I guess I was just an overweight non moving person and really needed to take this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Atleast you know that you have supporters with you along the way! Go Pack Go!
