One very important fact is to keep eating once you cut down your food. When following a healthy food plan you do seem to be hungrier more often. I believe that is because of all the fruits & vegetables we are now consuming and not all the sugars & fats. I believe it is a known fact that when we eat foods that are higher in fat & sugars we crave them even more but once you cut them out of your food plan we don't crave them as much. It is the emotions that get in the way of our bad food choices. One of my team members lost 8 lbs in 3 days, that is awesome but I also didn't see him eat hardly anything at lunch. That is not good because we need to change our eating habits but continue to consume at least 1400 calories a day. Most nights we do work fairly hard so we would burn off the food we eat. I am going to have to talk to him and see if I can help out.
Last night when I was bored & tired at work I craved junk food and just the urge to eat. I don't believe I was really hungry but I was bored, I now know I tie food to boredom. There is not much I can do at work when I'm on a boring job so I decided to look at a magazine. Bad idea, way to many advertisements about food! No not carrots but brownies, cookies, you get my drift! If you think about it, society is always shoving food down our throats on one hand but on the other hand we are told we are fat. This is a break through on my part and I will buy some sugar free hard candy so when I crave food and can't eat a carrot I can pop a candy in my mouth. I was also chewing gum but my jaw started to hurt.
I'm on my way to do the Gold's Gym Wii workout. This is one of my favorite workouts!
So candid Theresa, your blog is my candy! Keep up the great work